
Saturday, July 25, 2009

The best from the slideshow

Click on image for larger view.


mio & friend








mio & anda





guest at a wedding



Grim playground & a potrait of a wire grass

Click for larger view to really see the pictures.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Google Voice

Google Voice
It's gonna be HUGE.
Basically: all people can have one general number that can be theirs forever and ever and ever (cause that's how long Google is going to last) and they can customize where they get their calls. I'll redirect my friends to my cell and people who i loathe to google voicemail which is so cool cause it's online, and everyone knows everything is better online.

Very nice move for Google, if they pull this off, they're going to be twice as huge!

Dinner chat

Something i found. I guess it's stand-up comedy, but with rhythm. I like it.

If any of you can relate to "storm" from this poem, i want to dedicate this next song to you:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The slideshow in HD

This youtube version is much better.
Details like strands of hair or textures can now be observed.
Sound is also alot better. It's certainly worth the wait to load in HD.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A new Slideshow

I've just created a slideshow using some portraits i dug up from my photo archive, most of the people in them are acquaintances or friends. I spent most of the time editing the photos and then just as much thinking what would be the best order. I guess somehow the picture fits the verse if you are imaginative.
The songs from Miike Snow inspired me to do this. I love this band. I can't say if they are the next a-Ha, but i will say this is the best band to come out of the viking's land since Röyksopp.

Songs are: Black and Blue and Song for no one.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Just resign please...

If i ever get this illiterate please just hit me on the back of the head.